Domain Registration

Each and every domain name comes with all you need to get online.

  • የጎራ ማስተላለፍ እና ኘላስተር: Direct any domain name you own to your website. Anyone who types that domain name into their browser is taken directly to your website.
  • የጎራ በመቆለፍ ላይ: የጎራ መቆለፍ ጎራ ባለቤትነት ድንገተኛ ወይም ሆን ዝውውር የሚያግድ እና nameservers በማዛወር ጀምሮ ማንም ማቆሚያዎች.
  • ጠቅላላ የ DNS ቁጥጥር: በእርስዎ ጎራ nameserver አስተዳድር (ዲ ኤን ኤስ) መዛግብት እና የእርስዎ ኢሜይል ማዘጋጀት, የ FTP, sub-domains and website location all from one control panel.
  • የምዝገባ ለውጥ: ሌላ ሰው የእርስዎን የጎራ ስም መድብ ወይም በማንኛውም መስመር ላይ የእርስዎን ጎራ እውቂያዎች ለውጥ.
  • ሁኔታ ማንቂያዎች: በእርስዎ ጎራ ሁኔታ ለመከታተል እና ለውጥ አለ ቆይቷል ከሆነ የፈጣን ማንቂያዎች ያግኙ.
  • Auto Renew Protection: No need to watch expiration dates to make sure you renew on time! Auto renew keeps your domains, hosting, website builders, and other products in your name and under your control.

Domain Disclaimers

  • Special savings apply only to first year of registration. You must purchase entire section to qualify for special savings.
  • The final price may differ because of additional sales, fees, and promotions.
  • Products will automatically renew until cancelled. You may turn off the auto-renewal feature by visiting your account.
  • Change of registration may require a fee for certain domains.